Friday, June 15, 2012

Checking in

Well, it looks like when I am trying to "convince" myself of starting to take care of myself, you know, eating healthier and moving, my brain thought I was going to "diet" and I started to eat more junk food than any other day of the week. What's up with that? 
Isn't it that crazy???!!!! 
Well, thats exactly what we do to ourselves!!!! We consciously or unconsciously sabotage ourselves!!!!! But something I have learn in the long 10 year process of being in shape is, that everything starts with my absolute state of mind and how much I am committing to do it. It is more in my mind than in my strength or energy.  
I have heard that it takes 19 days to create an habit, 3 seconds to break a commitment, and about 500 hours to become an expert. BUT I KNOW by experience that 19 days is not enough. I have workout for 3 months straight and I have stopped. The only thing it kept me going for the 3 months was my state of mind. I wished I had create the habit but it didn't happened. 3 seconds to break a commitment!!!???couldn't be more true.
My check-in today is to report that I successfully moved (I am trying not to use the word exercise anymore because it makes my state of mind to freak out). Anyways, today I moved for over 3 hours straight while I was weeding, cutting trees and cleaning the yard. And it was hard work!!! I kept my heart rate on the range of 145-165 beats.
Till next time!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 we go AGAIN

 I know... I know this is the 3rd attempt but, third is a charm, right! It is 7:53pm in Utah and I was thinking why I haven't been able to accomplish my goal besides not doing any exercise and eating like an animal. Anyways, I want to feel & be healthy. So, I am committing to do the best for me and my health, plus I want a short hair cut, I need to spice it out for a while. I've been wearing this long hair for to long so I want to go from this: 

to this:
and the only way I want to do it is being in a different shape. I want to lose some lb.'s and lots of cheeks. Wish me luck!